The Directors of the DNP Users Group are pleased to announce that our 2021 AGM will occur on Thursday, March 11, 2021 at 4PM Eastern.  Please plan to attend.

<<If you know of others that need to see this announcement, please forward it.  Thank you!>>

<<If you have already renewed or joined for 2020, thank you!>>

On June 5, 2020 we posted an announcement called “DNP-UG COVID-19 Response”.  There have been 565 views of that post, so it was been widely read!  You can still read the post below. 

In essence, the post indicated that the UG would, upon request, extend website access for a further 90 days beyond the usual 30 days (120 days total) to July 31, 2020, for members unable to renew their memberships on time.  The message has clearly been received as we have seen a precipitous drop in membership renewals since that time. 

The problem now is that the level of renewals is far below a sustainable level for the UG.  For example, the membership fee income for October was approximately 1/10 our target level. 

Good news!  Since our last update at the AGM in April, all four of our operating teams have accomplished a great deal. Our development programs are primarily addressing cyber security (next generation) or interoperability which continues to be a challenge in the industry.  Join us for a fast-paced update plus the opportunity to interact with the directors and committee leadership.   

The core program will last 60 minutes, followed by a 30-minute member engagement period where we will be seeking feedback and input from our members on specific topics.  ZOOM meeting details are included below.

On behalf of the leadership of the DNP-UG, we hope you, your family and your colleagues have remained healthy during this very unusual period dealing with the coronavirus.  While aspects may be welcome such as a slower pace of life for some of us, others have experienced considerable disruption (and/or loss of loved ones). 

As previously announced, our Annual General Meeting will occur on Thursday, April 2, 2020 at 4:00PM Eastern.  The meeting link is included below.

This is your best chance all year to hear of the full range of activities and efforts by the DNP-UG.  We have a lot of work underway and welcome your input and participation.

Our Member Update available here provides a brief summary of our major activities.

Hope you can join us!