DNP Users Group - 2024 AGM and Board of Directors Nominations

The Directors of the DNP Users Group are pleased to announce that our 2024 AGM will occur on Tuesday, September 24, 2024, at 4PM Eastern.

The Directors of the DNP Users Group are pleased to announce that our 2024 AGM will occur on Tuesday, September 24, 2024, at 4PM Eastern. This will be an on-line session with meeting details to follow.  Please plan to attend.  Our AGM agenda includes updates on the activities of our four active committees/task forces as well as business topics.

We are seeking nominations for two vacant positions on the Board of Directors. Candidates will be people looking to join a team of dedicated industry leaders that are making a difference in our industry.  Our focus is providing continuously improved services and developments that support reliable, interoperable, and secure communications based on IEEE Std 1815 (DNP3). For further information and nomination forms please contact us at with copy to Our Nominations Chair is Andrew West, who will respond to you directly.

ACTION: In accordance with our bylaws, nominations will be accepted for the next 21 days.

Current Agenda:

  1. Introductions:
    1. Directors
    2. Nominees
    3. Staff
  2. Review of the Agenda
  3. Introduction of the Attendees
  4. Review of Last Years Meeting Notes
  5. Nominations and Elections of Directors (Andrew West – Nominations Chair):
    1. New Elections:
      1. Vice President, Technology
      2. Vice President, Marketing


  1. Director Reports:
    1. Chairperson’s remarks
    2. COO Report
    3. Finance Report
    4. Technical Committee Report
    5. Test Procedures Committee Report
    6. Test Management Committee Report
    7. Cyber Security Task Force Report
    8. Website Report
    9. Marketing Report
  2. Matters for Voting
  3. Member Discussions and Feedback
  4. New business


As you know, the DNP-UG membership approved adoption of VISION 2024 with new benefits, services and fees.  For more information go to the announcement section on our home page.

If you have already renewed in 2024, thank you! If not, please accept this as your reminder to renew shortly.  Our website member payment page(s) are in the process of being updated and should be operational by July 29th if not earlier. The UG continues to accomplish a great deal on behalf of our members and the industry.  We continue to count on the engagement and support of our members in terms of committee participation and membership fees.  

If you would like to get more involved or require more information, please contact us directly at, or our support team at


Ronald Farquharson on behalf of the

Board of Directors, DNP Users Group

July 20, 2024

Categories: Announcement