Membership Vote 1 - VISION 2024 – May 29 to June 28, 2024

First off, to our members, thank you very much for your on-going support of the DNP Users Group (DNP-UG). If it weren’t for you, we wouldn’t be here!

In taking stock of the industry, its needs, and our place, we have concluded that changes are needed.   It's time for a fresh vision for the DNP-UG!  We are calling it VISION 2024.


VISION 2024 is focused on providing our members with:

• Faster Developments

• Better Support, Closer Contact, Improved Website

• New Education Initiatives


The benefits to our members are significant:

• Included quarterly workshops and tutorials

• Included (or discounted) Conformance Certification Phase 1 - DP review

• Discounted Conformance Certification Phase 2 – test log review

• Included (most members) – technical support

• Net benefits total at least the cost of membership if not far more!


However, for this to work we need your help!

The VISION 2024 membership fees will (if approved) be higher, in some cases, substantially.  We have had several conversations to validate this approach and have been gratified that, while noticeable, the increase is considered doable.  


Below are links to key documents:

1.   A very kind endorsement letter from a highly respected industry leader and good friend of the DNP-UG, John McDonald – here.

2.   VISION 2024 Background – important updates - here.

3.   VISION 2024 Overview and Fee Structure - the vision, objectives and new proposed fee structure – here.


  • Read the four documents before you make your decision.
  • Reach out with any questions or concerns. We would especially appreciate hearing from you if you intend to vote no.
  • A “NO” vote may have significant implications for the future of the UG and our activities in their current form.


Information Sessions:

  • Weekly one-hour sessions have been occurring.
  • Remaining sessions:
    • June 20, 2024 at 4PM to 5PM Eastern
    • June 25, 2024 at Noon Eastern
  • Register by emailing the addresses below.
  • Other times may be scheduled upon request.

 Voting Instructions:

  • The voting details and plan is here.
  • Voting closes on June 28th at midnight Eastern time.
  • Vote by sending an email with Subject “VISION 2024” and a “YES” or “NO” in the body to the addresses below.


For More Information:

·    Ron Farquharson at 

·    Sara Yuill at 




Ronald Farquharson, on behalf of the

Board of Directors, DNP Users Group


Categories: Announcement