Innovative Technology for Reliable and Secure OT Communications


Our Mission

We actively develop and support measures to improve interoperability and cybersecurity in DNP systems by developing technologies and standards, implementing a conformance program, and providing education to the industry.


Activities of the Users Group

DNP3 has grown to be the most widely used protocol for electric transmission and distribution communications in North America and other regions of the world, and is a named standard for DER communications. DNP3 is also broadly adopted in adjacent industries such as water / wastewater, transportation and the oil and gas industry. 

The DNP Users Group (DNP-UG) owns and maintains DNP3 and supports our user community and the industry by enhancing and promoting DNP3 (Distributed Network Protocol), also known as IEEE Std. 1815TM. Our members include utilities, suppliers, consultants, and individuals (including students). Many of our initiatives support greater interoperability between supplier’s products and systems and/or enhance cyber security. On-going refinements also add new features and time-saving capabilities which are then included in the next update of IEEE 1815. Our growing library of Standards, Application Notes, Guides, Security Notices, and Technical Bulletins provide essential information for our members. The leadership team and technical team members provide periodic educational opportunities including tutorials, white papers, and conference presentations. Our Conformance Certification Program manages the Conformance Test Review process and publishes conformance certificates which are publicly posted. The DNP-UG is governed by our Board of Directors in accordance with our bylaws. The technical teams are involved with four different groups as follows:

  • Technical Committee
  • Cybersecurity Task Force
  • Test Management Committee
  • Test Procedure Committee.


Recent and current developments include new:

  • Update to the IEEE Std. 1815TM standard.
  • DER communications standard – IEEE 1815.2TM (draft) – joint effort with MESA.
  • Secure Authentication v6 (SAv6).
  • Authorization Management Protocol (AMP).
  • Test procedures.
  • Device profile guide.
  • Expanded Conformance Certification Program (CCP).


Membership in the Users Group

Join us! To participate and receive DNP-UG member benefits and services including the latest documents and updates, utilities and vendors are required to join and remain members. For more information go to or email our team at  


DNP Users Group content including, postings, documents and presentations that refer to IEEE or IEEE standards, solely represent the views of the DNP-UG and do not necessarily represent a position of either IEEE, IEEE Standards Association (IEEE SA), the IEEE Power System Communications and Cybersecurity Standards Committee, or the applicable IEEE Working Groups.


The DNP Users Group is a California nonprofit mutual benefit Corporation, operating pursuant to United States IRS code 501(c)(6).


The DNP Users Group (DNP-UG) is pleased to announce the official release of Version 3.1 of our IED Certification Procedures.  For a bit of history, Version 2.8 was released in 2016. Version 3.0 (2021) was a significant update from our previous Version 2.8 and was made available to members on our website.  The Users Group voted to approve Version 3.0 in March 2022.  However, the leadership decided to wait for Version 3.1 to announce the official release that includes scheduled deprecation of the previous version(s).

Both documents represent a very large effort by our dedicated teams on the Test Procedures Committee (TPC) and the Technical Committee (TC). The directors of the DNP-UG would like to sincerely thank all those involved in these developments.

DistribuTECH 2022 is here!

Below are the DNP-UG events at DistribuTECH this year...

Meeting link: 

Meeting ID: 891 9552 5083  Passcode: 691759  

Find your local number: 


In November 2021 a vote was commenced for all (primary) members of the DNP-UG.  Unfortunately, the vote response was small, and we later discovered some configuration issues with our email server.  Therefore, we are resending the material and reopening the voting period for another 30 days effective today and closing on March 27, 2022, at midnight Eastern time.  The following is slightly modified from the message in November in the tutorial has already occurred and the dates have changed.

If you have already voted, thank you and please disregard this message.

The Directors of the DNP Users Group are pleased to announce that our 2022 AGM will occur on Thursday, April 21, 2022 at 4PM Eastern.  Please plan to attend.  Our AGM agenda includes updates on the activities of our four active committees/task forces as well as business topics. There is a LOT happening with the DNP-UG!


Feature Of the Month
